A Beautiful Disguise by Roseanna White: My Review
Roseanna White has started a new series, which is always cause for celebration in my world! I love her world building and the characters she creates, but most of all, I love the way she weaves faith into her stories. Her new book, A Beautiful Disguise, is no exception and should definitely be added to your TBR pile!
Here’s the synopsis from Amazon:
Mommynificent’s Review
What a fun new series from an already favorite author! This is truly a unique premise that was positively delightful in every way. I loved the unique and sometimes eccentric characters, the settings, the mystery, just everything! I think my favorite thing is that the main characters really thought things through and acted logically and kindly, even in their growing relationship with one another. Where so, so many other stories would have gone the easy way and had the primary conflict in the book be the secrets between them, I just loved that the characters handled things like mature adults, thought before they reacted, talked things out, and were just all-around good role models for how to handle difficult things in a relationship! This story was nuanced and just so, so good.
Book 2 is set up almost too well as I’m rather miffed to have to wait for it. 🙂 So very ready for more of these delightful Imposters!
I received a complimentary electronic copy of this book from NetGalley.